AMTD Digital Employee Compensation Insurance

The Digital Employee Compensation Insurance (DECI) is brought to you by AMTD Risk Solutions Group Limited and only available on Reap! The DECI will be Hong Kong's first digital solution for the Employee Compensation Insurance. It empowers SMEs and business owners to reliably and quickly sign up for the Employee Compensation Insurance!

What is Employee Compensation Insurance?

The Employee Compensation Insurance is a legal requirement for all employers in Hong Kong S.A.R. and it is an insurance policy that covers an employer’s liability when a member of their staff suffers injury or illness while working. The policy can cover full-time and/or part-time employees, contractors, sub-contractors or freelance staff, in companies across every industry.

Three simple steps to sign up for DECI

  1. Sign up and get an account with Reap; it is free and easy!

  2. Click on the "Employee Compensation" in the navigation bar to start the application process

  3. Pay using your credit card!

What do you need to have/know?

  1. Hong Kong Identity Card of the business owner / director of the company

  2. Company Registration Number

  3. Annual wage roll

  4. Aggregate value of the insured properties (up to a max of 3 properties)

  5. Credit Card for payment

Start protecting and empowering your business