Batch Payment Template Guide


For details regarding the fields within our batch payment template ,and what fields are required for what type of payments, please refer to the details below:

  • Recipient category: Select the category for the type of recipient

  • Recipient Type(Required): Specify whether the recipient is a person or a company

  • First Name of Bank Account Holder (Dependent: Only fill out if recipient type is personal

  • Last Name of Bank Account Holder: Only fill out if recipient type is personal

  • Company of Bank Account Holder: Only fill out if recipient type is company

  • Bank Country: Country of the bank account listed for the recipient

  • Bank Name: Name of the bank used for the beneficiary of this payment

  • Bank Code: Necessary for local payments. Code of the bank used for the beneficiary of this payment

  • SWIFT: Necessary you would like to use our SWIFT option for this payment, please note the SWIFT Code of the bank used for the beneficiary of this payment

  • NCC: Necessary for New Zealand Local Payments. New Zealand National Clearing Code

  • ACH: Necessary for United States Local Payments. Automated Clearing House Number.

  • IBAN: Necessary for all payments going into Europe. International Banking Account Number

  • Branch Code: Only necessary for Canadian Dollar payments

  • Account Number: Account number of the beneficiary

  • Recipient Street Address (Required)

  • Recipient City (Required)

  • Recipient State: (Required)) State or Province of beneficiary

  • Recipient Postal Code (Required)

  • Recipient Country: (Required)

  • Payment amount:(Required) Please list in recipient payment currency

  • Payment Reference: (Required) Payment reference that will be passed

  • Date to Send: (Required) Please note the date that you would like the payment to be sent. Please keep the format in plain text, following the format: DD/MM/YYYY

  • Supporting File Name: Please list the link to your supporting file for this payment.

  • Payment Purpose: This field is only necessary for CNY payments or ZAR Payments

  • Beneficiary Contact Name: This field is necessary for ZAR Payments

  • Beneficiary Contact Number: This field is necessary for ZAR Payments