Introducing Card Budget: Streamline Your Budgeting


What is a Budget?

A budget allows an admin or selected organization members to assign a specific portion of the account's credit limit to an individual, known as the budget owner. The budget owner can then create and assign cards within their allocated budget.

What Can This Feature Do?

  • Create budgets

  • Assign budget owners

  • Enable budget owners to create cards

  • Empower budget owners to assign cards and send out payments within their budget

Why is it Essential?

  1. Simplified Budgeting: Effortlessly create one-time or recurring budgets for each project or selected individuals. This leads to accurate expense tracking and transparent financial records.

  2. Flexibility Beyond Individuals: Budgets are not just limited to individuals. Set up budgets that include team members, transcending team and role boundaries.

When is it Useful?

  1. Efficient Project Management: Transform project-based tasks by designating project leaders as budget owners. This allows them to manage virtual cards for project participants easily, reducing administrative tasks for admins.

  2. Multi-Entity Simplicity: Managing multiple entities? Assign distinct budgets per entity using the budget feature. This safeguards the main budget while encouraging focused, responsible spending.

How to Set Up a Budget?

For information on setting up a budget, check out the product tour here.